Common Mis-nomer: Reprints from editorial magazines are not the same as editorial photography. While the original use of the images was editorial in nature, the reprints are used as a marketing and promotional tool by companies, and as such, are priced between the fees for straight advertising and straight editorial. This type of usage could be referred to as "advertorial."

While you, as the client, may have been contacted by the publication in which the article appeared, or you may have made the initial contact, permission to use the photographs which appear in the article can only be granted by the photographer, who is the copyright holder. Magazines cannot grant anyone the right to reproduce an article in which photographs I have taken appear, without my expressed written consent.
Print reprint information from Detroit Photographer John Harrington
REPRINTS (more than 1,000 or less than 10,000 in quantity)**
Figures below are guidlines only. They are the fees which I will charge for most requests to use my images in magazine reprints. In certain cirucmstances, where the space rate initially was higher, the reprint fees will be higher.
Size 1000 ~ 2,000 2,000 ~ 5,000 5,000 ~ 9,000
1/4 pg.  $500. $640. $720.
1/3 pg.  $550. $710. $810.
1/2 pg.  $600. $800. $900.
2/3 pg. $675. $940. $1,100.
3/4 pg.  $750. $1,100. $1,275.
Full pg.  $1,000. $1,310. $1,525.
Cover  $3,000. $3,675. $4,425.
Full pg. + 1 column  $1,225. $1,420. $1,510.
Full pg. + 2 columns $1,675. $1,790. $2,120.
Spread  $1,925. $2,520. $2,985.
For reprints with a quantity of 10,000 or more, we base the fees for usage of photographs in reprints on the original editorial space rate, plus a multiplier of three, with a minimum fee for any use of $1,000. The figures below are for one image. Multiple images incur additional fees.

REPRINTS (10,000 or greater in quantity)
Figures below are guidlines only. They are the fees which I will charge for most requests to use my images in magazine reprints. In certain cirucmstances, where the space rate initially was higher, the reprint fees will be higher.
Standard Space Rate** Multiply by 3 Minimum fee for one image in reprint
1/4 pg.  $200.00 3 x $200 = $600. $1,000.
1/3 pg.  $250.00 3 x $250 = $750. $1,000.
1/2 pg.  $325.00 3 x $325 = $975. $1,000.
2/3 pg. $375.00 3 x $375 = $1,125. $1,125.
3/4 pg.  $450.00 3 x $450 = $1,350. $1,350.
Full pg.  $550.00 3 x $550 = $1,650. $1,650.
Cover  $1500.00 3 x $1,500 = $4,500. $4,500.
Full pg. + 1 column  $625.00 3 x $625 = $1,875. $1,875.
Full pg. + 2 columns $800.00 3 x $800.00 = $2,400. $2,400.
Spread  $1000.00  3 x $1,000 = $3,000. $3,000.
**NOTE: These prices flucuate depending on the original circulation of the magazine, and other factors. * Many reprints are requested in 10,000 block quantities. The figures above are for 10,000 reprints. Reprints with a quantity greater than 10,000 but less than 20,000 have an additional fee of 25% of the above figures. Reprints greater than 20,000 but less than 50,000 have an additional fee of 50% of the above figures.