Pricing has been developed based on a variety of factors. PLEASE NOTE, however, as every shoot is different, and requires different preparation, scouting, and post-production, please contact us for an estimate specific to your needs.

Please include the following in your email or fax:
Name Company
Address City/State/Zip
Voice & Fax How soon will the shoot be?
Location for the shoot
Please also include a short description of the subject(s) to be photographed, any comps you may have, and the intended use of the final images.
Prep Days are billed at 45% of the creative fee
Travel Days are billed at 50% of the creative fee
Weather Days are billed at 75% of the creative fee

The rate quoted is the "Single Use Fee" for one time use. Reprints are priced separately. The above fee is the assignment fee which is a guarantee against final usage depending upon size. The rate does NOT include any expenses, such as assistants, film, processing, couriers, travel, models, props, stylists, producers, location scouts or managers, or anything other than the creative fees.

Cancellation fees
48-72 hours before: 40% of creative fee
24-48 hours before: 65% of creative fee
less than 24 hours before: $80% of creative fee