About Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Stock photography by Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Pricing for John Harrington Photography
Detroit Photographer John Harrington: Links
Contact Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Pricing Information for Detroit Photographer John Harrington

Advertising use is defined as: Photographs used in paid media space. Paid articles (advertorials), catalogs, billboards, and advertisements fall into this category.

National Consumer Ad: (e.g. TIME Magazine) $4,225.00

Regional Consumer Ad (e.g. Golf Digest, East Coast) $2,660.00

Local Consumer Ad (e.g. Washingtonian Magazine) $1,975.00

National Trade Magazine Ad (e.g. Police Chief) $2,820.00

Regional Trade Magazine (e.g. East Coast AdWeek) $2,140.00

Point of Sale National (over 5,000 pieces) $2,940.00

Point of Sale National (over 10,000 pieces) $4,560.00

Point of Sale Regional (over 1,000 pieces) $2,375.00

TV Stills (National, 5 seconds) $2,680.00

National Billboard (1,000 placements) $4,945.00

Regional Billboard (100 placements) $3,520.00

Local Billboard (25 placements) $1,990.00

National Bus/transit (1,000 placements) $3,622.00

Regional Bus/Transit (100 placements) $2,805.00

Local Bus/Transit (25 placements) $2,140.00

Packaging(National, Life of Package) $3,330.00

Packaging CD (Life of Album) $2,590.00

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Editorial photography by Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Portaits by Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Commercial photography by Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Concert Photography by Detroit Photographer John Harrington
Magazine Covers by Detroit Photographer John Harrington

Email Detroit Photographer John Harrington: john@johnharrington.com Contact numbers for Detroit Photographer John Harrington

Site Copyright 2004 John Harrington Photography